The Monetise Academy helps people to convert the assets and strengths they already have to get more of the things they love. We help with ideas, knowledge, networking and motivation to fill the gaps and build on what is already available.

Everyone has something to build on:

  • An existing business
  • Family, friends and a network of connections
  • Qualifications, knowledge, training or experience
  • Tools and equipment
  • Cash in the bank or assets to borrow against
  • A computer or smartphone, connected to the world
  • A physically able body
  • A human brain, the most powerful tool on earth
  • Hope, optimism or dreams, and the desire to achieve them

Whether you have one item on this list or all of them, The Monetise Academy is here to help you focus those assets and strengths towards your goals and then provide additional knowledge, networking and coaching to get you moving faster towards achieving your goals.


The Monetise Academy was set up by Katherine Thomson and Clodius Ngwenya. As entrepreneurs they have set up several successful businesses and, as qualified educators, they continue to run a community interest training company which helps young people in particular from disadvantaged backgrounds to acquire the skills and qualifications to make a great start in life.

They realised that many of their friends would ask for advice on running a business. Friends of friends would call for tips or contacts. It was clear that getting the right information to get on in life didn’t stop with the diplomas or apprenticeships they were providing for young people. Everyone needs a teacher at some time, to help them with the tips and tricks to solve a problem.

And so the idea of The Monetise Academy was born – a company that helps people convert knowledge to profit. A combination of training, networking and coaching that will help people with their ambitions to:

  • Start a business
  • Grow their business
  • Change their career
  • Make an amount of money that meets their goals
  • Live a life that meets their dreams

Today, The Monetise Academy facilitates a wide range of workshops, online and in person, to teach the skills needed for particular businesses and to leverage what people already have to bring them what they want or need. Our Membership option brings together networks of like-minded people to share ideas and success stories and offers access to an ever-growing library of resources to accelerate business growth and overcome any obstacle. Coaching and consultancy are offered when a one to one approach is needed to get something done.

If your assets and strengths aren’t bringing you what you want from life, maybe it’s time to Monetise them!